Wednesday 3 April 2013

What I learnt at the TEDxWaterloo Event (Mar2013)

For a much more interactive presentation of my key take-aways; check out THIS LINK Otherwise, read on for a summary of my presentation...

I had a great experience at my first TEDx - I would highly recommend this event! The speakers expanded my knowledge in a variety of topics and inspired me to think BIG with CREATIVITY and CURIOSITY

The day was planned around 3 themes: 


  • Bacteria of the Gut: Emma Allen-Vercoe, Microbial Ecologist 
    • There 10x as many microbes in your body than human cells (500-1000 different types, with a unique "poop-print"). 
  • Makers & Fixers: Mag Ruffman, Actor, Author & Contractor 
    • Mag's vision is to get people working with their hands. "It's never too late to become the person you might have been"
  • Chris Eliasmith, Theoretical Neuroscience 
    • This topic was fascinating even though I am not an expert in this field by any means! I've been reading up on Neuromorphic Hardware/Engineering and the possibilities are incredible. 


  • Should kids get to Vote? Miles Corak: 
    • There is no upper boundary on the right to vote, why have a lower boundary? Some teens may be more capable of making an informed decision than some seniors.
  • Deported to a Death Sentence? Sudz Sutherland, Writer & Director 
    • "Systemic changes are needed to address the root cause of why some immigrant parents are not getting the Citizenship for their children". His movie is 'Home Again'
  • Healing beyond a Cure; Mark Greenerg, Pediatric Oncologist 
    • Do patients have the 'right' to make all decisions? Patients are not always able/rational to make the best decisions for long-lasting repercussions. 


  • Particles, the Universe & Curiosity; Alison Lister, Physicist 
    • "We are losing our curiosity about the world - and that should worry you!" 
  • Earth Cast; Wade Larson, Space Visionary 
    • Plans to broadcast HD video from the International Space Station by end of 2013.  
  • Mars Curiosity Project; Rob Manning, Engineer 
    • Proof exists that Mars has energy within its core that could sustain life. 
Final thought... "Home is a place where you can be yourself". I hope you find your home. homeWITHIN (in reference to becoming a 'maker' if you love working with your hands)

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