Tuesday 2 October 2012

To be a star, you must make it rain

I was introduced to the Rainmaker Credo a few years ago and have kept a printed copy at my desk since. Although I personally do not work with external customers, I still have internal customers with similar expectations.
From author Jeffrey J. Fox: "In today’s business culture... there are more products and services available than ever before. To be a star, you must make it rain. A Rainmaker is a person who brings revenue into an organization, be it profit or not-for-profit". 



  • Cherish customers at all times
  • Treat customers as you would your best friend
  • Listen to customers and decipher their needs
  • Make (or give) customers what they need
  • Show customers the... value of what they will get
  • Teach customers to want what they need
  • Make your product the way customers want it
  • Get your product to your customers when they want it
  • Give your customers a little extra, more than they expect
  • Remind customers of the... value they received
  • Thank each customer sincerely and often ...
  • Ask to do it again
...NOTE: I removed a few items which do not speak to me personally, as I am not in a Sales role -  "dollarized" from "dollarized value" and "Help customers pay you, so they won’t be embarrassed and go elsewhere"

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