Thursday 11 September 2014

Serving the business goddess IRACIS

I was introduced to the IRACIS tool from 'Discover to Deliver: Agile Product Planning and Analysis' (by Ellen Gottesdiener and Mary Gorman). It's such a simple acronym that I was surprised it hadn't come up before.  IRACIS is a quick way to determine a project's worth to the company and quantify its ROI.

Love it! 

IR: Increase Revenue - How will sales improve?

AC: Avoid Costs - How will COGS be reduced? What efficiencies will translate into real savings?

IS: Improve Service - Will customers value the changes (i.e. "Delight the Customer" - Kano Model)?

So bow down to IRACIS and plan a brainstorming session to determine how a project will deliver its promised value to the company.